Papers about JLI!

Grew P., Longhi I., Pagani E.
Functional Architecture of a Web-based Distributed System for University Curricula Support
in Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education, WBE 2005, Grindelwald, Switzerland, February 2005
Abstract: Several tools have been proposed in the literature to use the web to support learning. Usually, these tools are designed for a very specific purpose, namely, to provide information about a course, to support student assessment or as a plat form for maintaining the learning community. However, in a university curriculum all those independent functions contribute to training students and should be merged harmoniously, as well as include student-services offices. In this paper, we describe the architecture of a distributed system that provides modules to perform these functions, in such a way that the modules are strictly integrated into the overall system and interactions among the parties involved teachers, students, and university offices are greatly facilitated. The architecture was designed so as to accompany and tutor students throughout their whole program, meanwhile allowing faculty and staff to monitor student performance with respect to the chosen curriculum. The architecture is almost completely deployed and is al ready in use at the Department of Information Science and Communication of the University of Milan, Italy.

Grew P., Longhi I., Pagani E., De Cindio F., Ripamonti L.A.
An Open-Source LMS Evolves as Learning/Teaching/Testing Environment
in Proceedings of Technology Enhanced Learning International Conference, Tel'04, Milano, November 2004
Abstract: At the Dipartimento di Informatica e Comunicazione of the Università Statale di Milano an opportunity for exam automation was seen in an earlier initiative that had led to the development of an opensource learning management system. This LMS, known as "Just Learn It!" (or JLI!) was then applied to English-as-a-foreign-language placement tests for large numbers of incoming first-year students, thus replacing automated, paper-based testing systems such as QuizIt. Initial studies have now been undertaken in using this on-screen system to automate written exams and mixed oral-written exams in other subjects, as well. The change in purpose has led to a number of considerations that have influenced the development of JLI! These, in turn, promise to ease the adoption of distance-learning technology in transitional and blended situations.

De Cindio F., Grew P., Longhi I., Ripamonti L.A.
Applying an LMS to Large Language Classes
in Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education, WBE 2004, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2004
Abstract: Having applied an open-source LMS to about two thousand on-screen English exams for required courses that are part of the Università di Milano's computer-science short-degree program, the authors report on some of the interesting effects of using such a system. Large class size led to the adoption of an LMS designed for distance learning as a platform for automated test marking. A greater sense of belonging among students has resulted. Upon completion of a test, students immediately see where they stand vis-à-vis the group at large, and students who have not attended class can be brought into the system/community.

De Cindio F., Longhi I., Ripamonti L.A.
Design Issues in Developing a Learning Environment For Small-sized Enterprises Communities
in Proceedings of Technology Enhanced Learning International Conference, Tel'03, Milano, November 2003
Abstract: This paper investigates the technological issues involved in the design and implementation of a Web environment intended to support learning processes in small-sized enterprises communities. Actually, since small and medium sized enterprises (SME) enter interfirm relationships for they realize immediately their actual and future benefits, Internet infrastructure and services seem as a perfect fit to SME's networks (they seem accessible at moderate cost, available and flexible), for any firm may contribute to the nature of the information-based exchange. Thus, a large number of small cooperating firms should be ready to use such a technology. Instead, empirical evidence suggests that adoption and use of ICT (Information and Telecommunication Technologies) and Internet by SME in Italy is making small progress. One of the main reasons of such misalignment is that SME do not "trust" the net (for it still looks like an expensive highway whose real benefit still remains unclear), nor understand completely the potentiality offered by the technology to the business, in term of effectiveness and support to their processes. To address this problem the "Partecipate: Just do it!" project has been started, creating an integrated web environment as a learning tool for SME. The overall technological infrastructure supporting this environment is quite complex, and a specific Learning Management System has been developed. This work tries to outline the LMS architecture and choices that have been made during its development.

De Cindio F., Longhi I., Ripamonti L.A.
The First Need is a Learning Community: Just Do It!
in Proceedings IADIS e-Society 2003 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-6 June 2003
Abstract: Italian economy is heavily bounded to SMEs, so it's important their competitiveness remains strong. On the contrary they experiment difficulties in understanding the possibilities supplied to their business by the ICTs, and, consequently, in their adoption. We've tried to design and implement a method to create a strategic vision in SMEs approaching ICTs and to support the birth and the development of learning and/or practice communities. Two major problems need to be addressed: the definition, on a "logical" basis, of an integrated, sounding and effective set of services for SMEs challenge with ICTs, and the creation of a technological infrastructure (with a special attention for a suitable e-learning platform), able to support the designed set of services. The experience performed till now within the project "Just do it!" told us that, among these services, the most important one consists in the possibility of being part of a learning community.